About ME

***UPDATED! Scroll DOWN for it.***

I would go with the song from Meredith Brooks “I’m a little bit of everything all rolled into one”. Though not literally.

Maaung adlaw kanimo! Which roughly means ‘good day to you’. My name is Marmel and I’m a mom to a very hyper 4-year old. I gave birth to her when I was 25 years old. Just do the math to get my age. There. Done? I live in a small city in one of the Philippines’ 7,107 islands.

That is me on a good day. Not really a photo person. I take a lot of pictures of my daughter and our pets but rarely a picture of myself. I’m self-conscious, just like that. And besides, I see my reflection every time I brush my teeth.

So this blog is about me, my life, my opinion on random stuff–the reason why I used Marmelisms. My opinion may or may not matter, but that’s beside the point. Why ‘The Sundown Chronicles’? Sundown is a watering hole here in Dumaguete. Let’s just say it’s a ‘memorable’ place… And NO. I didn’t get intoxicated when I was there.

I am insignificant to this world but I don’t really care. The world I know is the world with my daughter–and that matters.

There. She’s a cutie–I know. And yes, I’m biased. She’s my own flesh and blood.

No, I am not artistic in any way. This was just one of our ‘out and about’ day. Most times we stay at home. We live with 4 dogs and 2 cats. 2 dogs and 1 cat are mine. I used to own 2 cats–but that’s another story.

Meet Zoie. Our Pitt bull/Bull mastiff dog. She’s super sweet and super hyper. She gave us 9 adorable puppies. We had to sell the pups though. She’s friends to all people. And I mean ALL. She doesn’t like chickens. I know so coz she killed one. Had to pay my neighbor for that–again, another story (perhaps). She loves cakes! We always get her a cake for her birthday.

This is Vinnie. Our baby boy. He sleeps with us. He’s always eager to please and one cannot resist him. Ever. He’s very intelligent. He understands us when we talk to him. He knows when we’re mad and he knows when he has done something good. And most importantly, he knows that he’s loved. He’s the grandson of Kitkat, my pug… But she’s in dog heaven right now. Will write about her soon… I miss her still…

And finally, meet Ado. We adopted him–thus the name. He’s quite the cat. We give him a bath every week. He doesn’t like it but he lets us. He would complain and complain and complain–but he will never scratch us. He has his water bowl inside the bathroom. He will not go inside the bathroom if you don’t turn on the lights. He will just keep on complaining until you do. And then you need to change the water. He needs to see that you got ‘fresh’ water for him to drink or else he would just complain. And before I forget, he loves to eat potato chips. Just the sound of the wrapper is enough to wake him up.

So there, just a few things about me and my life…

I am not sure why you’re here. Either you got lost online or you’re a frenemy. But nevertheless, thank you for dropping by.

Drop me an email, if you wish: marmel@marmelisms.com

***Update January 26, 2014***

I should have updated this MONTHS ago but never really thought about it. I’ve added another dog to our family.

Her name is Soy Sauce (not kidding!) and she’s a pug (just like my Kitkat). She was born on January 16, 2013 and we got her a few months after. She’s the baby in our house right now though she just turned one a few days back. She’s a licker. She will smother you with licks! From your ears to your mouth to your nose!

By Marmel Reposar

11 thoughts on “About ME

    1. Hmmmm… Good question. I had to Google it. 🙂 The nearest word (German) is marmelade for the jam… But really, it came from my full name–MARia carMEL. My mom and my sisters’ nicknames also starts with MAR (we’re all Marias). 🙂 Maribel, Marlou, Marol 🙂 then me.


      1. Bethany

        Hayday and Clash of Clans. Lol
        I don’t have a blog. But enjoyed reading yours. Soy Sauce is too cute and love her name 🙂


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